The hotMaMa Diaries Blog - Breastfeeding blog and parenting blog

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Everyone has a different experience of parenting and motherhood and there is no right or wrong path. The hotMaMa diaries is a place to read stories from other mothers and even share your own!

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  1. It’s not all doom and gloom when you become a Mum, you know. People will bang on about how little sleep you’ll be getting and how you’re always spending money on the kids instead of yourself... Well, I guess they’re somewhat true but, they’re only negative things if you let them be negative things. 

    Since having Millie, I’ve probably taken it upon myself to do more things for myself than what I did before I had her. I started blogging properly when I was pregnant with Millie, documenting my pregnancy and sharing her birth story too. Since then, I’ve dabbled in many things to try and give me something else to focus on and something that is just for me! I even did a degree with the Open university and I graduated last year!! 
    Some may call me crazy and I’ve always got people asking me ‘How do you do it!?’ and the simple answer is, I do it because I want to. 
    I have a few hobbies that have stuck with me over the years, and since having Mylo, have taken up a few more too. As mentioned, I have had my blog, for nearly 5 years now - it’s my place to zone out, my way to be creative and talk about things I want to talk about, being with a 4 year old and a 7 month old all day is draining and it’s my escape sometimes. Knowing I can tap tap away or sit with a coffee and read through posts is relaxing to me and I really enjoy it. 
    Along with writing my blog, I also have my own handmade earring business, Pixel Stones. I make and sell these earrings to friends and family and it’s just something to give me a little bit of pocket money and I actually find it really relaxing! Make sure you take a look at the website
    I also am a Younique rep - Younique is a makeup brand which specifically is sold by reps all over the world. I joined Younique 2 years ago now because I just really liked the makeup and thought it’d be a nice way to get some extra cash in. 2 years later, I still love it and all of the products and it’s actually paid for a lot of Christmas presents! I also love the meaning behind why Younique was founded and it’s to help and support, including raising money, for victims of sexual violence. You can read more about it on their website if you like. 
    Don’t get me wrong - I’m super busy but that’s how I like it. I like knowing I have things to do during the day and the sense of achievement is fab. There’s nothing better than knowing there are some things out there just for you - no kids involved, but just a chance for you to be yourself. Having children was always something I knew I wanted but perhaps it just happened a little quicker than expected and is why I like to try and stay true to myself and ensure not everything is about the kids (even though it probably is!). 
    Do you have any hobbies or would you rather lap up parenthood whilst you can?” 
  2. Stockings for toddlers ideas

    Christmas is coming and this means one thing, more toys to litter my home!

    My little boy doesn’t have massive amounts of toys but still, my house is being invaded by the large ride on toys, diggers, cars, Duplo and various tools (can you guess I have a boy?! My attempts to infiltrate gender-neutral toys has not worked!). My little boy would love more toys and far be it for me to deprive him of these but I do find myself shuddering as my dream of an ‘all wooden, picture-perfect, grand designs living room’ fades off into the distant abyss, as more and more VTech trash enters my world. (Like  the dream living room could have been a reality anyway!)

    So whilst I cant control what he receives, I may be able to influence Father Christmas and reduce the number of ‘treadable- swearables’ that will litter the floor of my house and eventually end up in the bin!

    So here are some ideas for your little lodger‘s stocking this Christmas.

    Stockings for me are one of the things that truly sums up Christmas for me. As a child, I  have vivid memories of waking up in the morning with pure excitement to a bursting stocking, sometimes because my mother had decided to give us a box of tissues that year and it was literally bursting out! All of the gifts inside were cleverly chosen to capture our attention, stop is in our tracks and ensure we didn’t leave our beds for at least another hour, so Father and MotherChristmass could get an extra minute in bed!

    So my little boy has recently turned two years old, so alongside some dramatic tantrums, and the rather annoying repetitive phase of” I do it”  that haunts my getting out of the house in the morning, I also have a little monkey who likes to wake up early, 5:30am in fact! So my thinking this year is to get him to sit in bed for just one minute longer and let me and his dad have an extra minute in bed and this is my attempt to take on the role of Mumma Christmas and begin the tradition again.

    A recipe for a toddler stocking:

    1# The token tangerine. Those aware of traditional Victorian traditions will know that an orange was a treasured thing and even nowadays a stashed tangerine in the change bag can be a godsend! So that goes in first.

    Stockings for toddlers ideas 2

    2# Chocolate coins. Now, these are optional, I know the that Christmas is full of chocolate for kids so feel free to change these for other things, even raisins or apricots. I, however, am a gluten for punishment and will include these. Who wants to negotiate with a sugar-induced toddler having a tantrum? I do!

    Stockist: Fairtrade Chocolate Coins (These are fancy pants ones but cheaper ones can be found in the supermarkets and pound shops, as I’m sure you know already!)

    3# Socks. Now these may sound boring, and they are, but my boy always needs socks! Wrap them up several times will keep them occupied for at least a few minutes.

    Stockist: ZARA

    4# Buttons. My little man loves treasures so I shall be including a selection jar of buttons, found treasures and a few stones (of course) which I will wrap up and he can enjoy pouring them out, never to be found again, probably in his bed, or better yet our bed.

    Stockings for toddlers ideas 3

    Stockist: SewMuchtoDo

    5# Toothbrush. [See 2#] This might be obvious considering the treats on offer over Christmas but my mother started us kids every year with a new toothbrush, and I’m continuing the tradition.

    Stockings for toddlers ideas4

    Stockist: Boots

    6# Paintfree Colouring Book or Magazine. These are not only good for Christmas but for car journeys and cafes!

    Stockist: John Lewis

    7# Little music box. Optional, could drive you mad but it was so pretty!

    Stockings for toddlers ideas 5


    Stockist: Tindalls

    8# New shirt for Christmas day. We always had a new smart outfit for Christmas Day and this is something for them to open too.

    Stockings for toddlers ideas 6

    Stockist: NEXT

    9# Pretty wooden toys

    Stockings for toddlers ideas 7

    Stockist: Unknown

    10# Chocolate soldier. Now please don’t think I’m one for popping along to the V&A for all my Christmas gifts, I wish! But this was really nice and I loved how traditional is was!

    Stockings for toddlers ideas

    Read more from Emily at:

    Hello, I'm Maya, a first time mum to a beautiful baby girl who is now 4 months old. I hadn't expected to become a mummy so soon but I have fallen in love with motherhood and my baby girl takes my breath away every time I look at her- I feel so lucky. I am now sharing my experiences and stories with you, so if you would like to read more feel free to check out my blog over at
    For some reason being a young mum seems to give everyone the right to 
    pass judgment on you. Announcing a pregnancy often does cause a big 
    reaction and you would hope for it to be a positive one, but for most young 
    mums this is not the case. I guess I can't speak for everyone, but it seems as 
    though 9 times out of 10 a young female is faced with a mixed reception 
    when she shares her news. The negative comments received often take over 
    the initial excitement of it all, and to me it just doesn't seem fair. I mean, 
    would you turn round to an older woman who just announced she was 
    expecting and respond with, 'was it planned?'. Or 'are you going to keep it?' 
    Having a baby is a blessing and whether it's a surprise or if you've been 
    trying for months, what has that got to do with anyone else. 
    In my case those were the most common questions that were thrown at me, 
    but I also had the pleasure of receiving sly digs from those who felt I'd like 
    to hear their opinion, (I didn't!). They would say things like, 'it's a shame 
    you won’t get to do the things you'd hope to', and 'don't you wish you had 
    experienced life a little?'. Well first of all, for that individual to insinuate 
    that I won't be getting the opportunity to do everything I wished is 
    completely wrong. I am just as motivated, if not more, and in as good a 
    position as any to still go out their and achieve every single dream I have on 
    my bucket list. This idea people seem to have stewed in their minds about 
    younger mums being restricted to living a life of changing nappies, and 
    wiping noses are completely ludicrous. My daughter is the driving force 
    behind everything I do now, and she will always come first but she hasn't 
    taken over my individual identity. As much as I am a mother, I am also a 
    writer, a friend, a girlfriend, an actress, a business woman and all the other 
    things I choose to be. 
    So I would love to know where these ideas stem from; and why people 
    think that at a younger age you are less adequate to raise a child. Being a 
    new mother already puts you under the spotlight as it is. All the health 
    checks and midwife appointments after baby is born aren't set up as tests, 
    but I can't help but feel nervous, as they sit there watching me handle my 
    new born. Before they pull out their scales, weighing her to make sure she's 
    put on enough weight, and checking her body for any marks. I wait with 
    anticipation, almost to get the all clear that I'm doing things right. Then of 
    course there are the visitors that come round after the birth to see you, and 
    silently judge whether or not they think you're a good mum. It soundspretty cynical of me I know, but I don't think it's a conscious decision to 
    witness a situation, and not create an opinion in your own head. I have 
    huge amounts of admiration for younger mothers, because they have to 
    deal with all of that, as well as the judgments people pass on their age. It's a 
    lot. One of the inspirations I had for writing this post came from a 
    collection of comments my health visitor made during our 3 week check up. 
    After seeing my daughter was a healthy weight, that I was managing to 
    breastfeed, and that everything else was okay, she light-heartedly said, 'I 
    have to say I'm impressed with how well you're doing'. Before adding, 'you 
    would put some of the older mums to shame'. I know she intended for these 
    comments to be complimentary, but it came across in a condescending 
    way. Her words subtly communicated her opinion that she was surprised 
    by the positive example I had made of a new mother; having expected me 
    to be struggling a lot more in comparison to those who are older. Well I'm 
    glad I was able to "impress"! but you shouldn't have had such little faith in 
    me in the first place. 
    So in conclusion here's what kind of "young mum" I am... I'm kind, 
    thoughtful and loving. I'm a little bit silly and have a playful nature. I get 
    worried about little things, so am constantly checking in with Google. I'm 
    completely besotted with my baby, my boyfriend and our little family. I'm 
    excitable, and get giddy about the future, and watching my baby grow. I'm 
    imperfect, but I learn from my mistakes. I'm super organised, and obsessed 
    with items having their own place. I love the company of friends, but also 
    the company of social media! I'm squeamish but have a high tolerance for 
    pain. I love putting together outfits for my daughter every morning. I still 
    hold my breath when I change her pooey nappies. I try and take her out 
    every day, mostly to keep my own sanity. I am learning on the job, but I'm 
    motherhood's most keen student. 
    ...Is that so different to every other mum? Do those qualities show that I am 
    young in age? And if they do are they bad qualities to have in Mum? 
    Maya x 
  4. 20170621_182015Throughout my first pregnancy I did absolutely no research or preparation for breast feeding. It was one of those things I just assumed was going to be easy. I did attend one of the free NHS classes on breast feeding where they make you hold a doll and a knitted titty for practise, which I'm sure we'd all agree is pretty useless. There was no mention of difficulties you may come across and it was all made to sound very dreamy and beautiful.


    Dreamy and beautiful it was...for perhaps the first couple of weeks. Junior was born with an infection which meant he was rushed to the hospital’s neonatal unit for special care. Despite the tubes in his mouth and nose to help regulate his breathing, I was able to breast feed him with ease. After a week, he had responded well to antibiotics and gained enough weight for us to take him home, where the feeding continued to be a success. After week two however, his appetite increased to the point where he was feeding constantly, probably around 90% of the day he was latched on. This obviously took its toll on my nipples and I was in absolute agony. I found the Community Midwives and Health Visitors quite unsympathetic and unhelpful, simply telling me it was normal and to persevere, rather than recommending any helpful solutions. As a new mum, I knew nothing about products available that might help like nipple shields and lanolin cream, and there was no mention of these from the medical staff.


    By this time, I was really struggling with the pain and Junior was clearly starving. My husband suggested trying some formula, which I really didn’t want to do but seeing how distressed both me and Junior were, he insisted. So off he went to buy all the kit we needed and after just 2 ½ weeks old, Junior had his first taste of formula milk. He gulped it down in seconds and fell asleep for hours. After this we never looked back. Obviously I had the guilt almost every day, and I have to say, I know a lot of people talk about public breast feeding shamers but I found the amount of criticism I got when formula feeding in public far outweighed when I breast fed. Seeing how much more content Junior was made it worth it though. For the following 4 to 5 months, I persisted with a small amount of breast feeding alongside the formula. I still feel regret sometimes that I should have tried harder, but I look at Junior today and he is a happy, healthy boy with good eating habits so we must have done something right.


    Following this challenging experience with Junior, I have felt super determined and motivated to make it more of a success with my twins. During the pregnancy I focussed a lot of my time on preparation for breast feeding, making sure I had all the right kit and getting myself well informed by reading loads of books and info online. I bought a brilliant twin feeding cushion made by Peanut & Piglet, something I genuinely don't think I could have tandem fed without! Other things on my shopping list included a decent supply of nipple cream, nipple shields, washable breast pads and a double electrix breast pump. I began hand expressing colostrum during the final couple of weeks before the birth and froze it; this meant I had a small stash for those first few days, which just took the pressure off me a little at a time when milk production and supply can be unpredictable and often insufficient. I wish someone had told me about colostrum harvesting first time around! It was also so nice to later see my husband feed them in the hospital with the colostrum I'd expressed. 


    The twins are now more than a month old and as I write this I'm sat on the sofa breast feeding them. I'll be honest, it's not been easy (particularly during the hot weather!) but I think I have a better attitude this time around and have not put any pressure on myself which has ultimately made me relax into it better. I think it's also helped that the girls are nowhere near as hungry as Junior was. The key thing about the twins has been feeding them in tandem; if I didn't stick to feeding them together I would literally be feeding every hour of the day. I've also discovered some great tips about "lactogenic" foods from Hilary Jacobson's book 'Mother Food." I've been amazed at how much diet can affect my supply and fenugreek supplements have been my saviour. We've introduced a bottle of formula at bedtime every night and unlike last time, I feel absolutely no guilt about this. The girls love their bottles and it's nice to share the work with my husband, not to mention the extra sleep they get when they've had it! It's a welcomed moment of peace and calm that the whole household appreciates. I'm now focussing on expressing more so I can build up a supply in the freezer. This will give me more freedom both at home but also when I go out. As I'm trying to keep the girls fed together, I'm forced to use bottles when out and about as tandem nursing in public is pretty impossible, so that supply of expressed milk is really important for my sanity!


    I'm still on the journey and I know there will be highs and lows ahead, particularly as the girls go through growth spurts, but I'm proud of what I've achieved so far. If you'd told me during my son's first couple of months when I was a hormonal and emotional new mum with no idea what I was doing, that in 4 years time I'd be successfully breast feeding twins, I would have laughed in your face. My biggest advice to anyone about to embark on a similar journey is just to prepare as much as you possibly read read, learn as much as you can about what to expect, talk to others who've been through it and absolutely 100% do not put any pressure on yourself; that way you'll actually be able to enjoy the experience.

    Post submitted by Amy, a thirtysomething brit mum of three (including twins!)

    Read more from this amazing mummy at:

    Instagram @mummyhustle

  5. BLOG-TITLE-11-Lessons-ALL-2“I am proud of many things in life, but nothing beats being a mother.”

    1. You don’t care about being naked, seriously! Before I had E, I used to have an anxiety attack before each and every PAP appointment. I actually had an “after school special” at work deciding on whether I should get a Brazilian for birth, such trivial things but those were my absolute concerns, now HA, the number of times I’ve had to strip down during the pregnancy/birth process, I could care less!
    1. No one and I mean NO ONE’S OPINION MATTERS. This is something you will learn once you’re visibly pregnant. The amount of “out of left field” advice I got was mind-boggling. I remember being told everything from my clothes were too tight to I’m starving myself because I’m vain.

    What many people didn’t know is, I was sick the entire 41 weeks of my pregnancy. So I only gained about 5 pounds (my mother had the same kind of pregnancy), so people were always commenting that I wasn’t eating or I was starving my baby to be skinny, when it was the total opposite, I was eating like crazy, but nothing would stay down (if you can imagine I was actually sick while making a left turn at a busy intersection, FML). Just like the unsolicited advice I got while pregnant it only snowballed after birth. What I didn’t realize back then is sometimes it’s better just to smile and nod than to fight the advice.

    Everyone is going to have an opinion on how you should raise your child and what you should be doing, DO YOU! You know your baby the best, and you’ll have to deal with the repercussions of the advice so only do what makes you feel comfortable.

    1. Breastfeeding isn’t easy for everyone. I’ve had people shame me (to my face) for not breastfeeding my daughter, and all I’ve got to say is, do what works for you and your family. I believe that FED IS BEST.
    1. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. I used to say I’ll never co-sleep. My baby will be in her crib from day one. Well, it wasn’t until she was 4.5 months that we started sleep training her, so before that, she was in our bed, every night, sleeping on top of me. So go with the flow and never say never. Diverse-group-of-ten-babies-playing-157429705_13946x3585
    2. Do not compare your pregnancy or your child to anyone else. No two pregnancies (even from the same mother) are the same so how can you expect your baby to develop the same as another? Trust me, all you’re going to do is set yourself up for disappointment. Enjoy your baby’s milestones, they’re their own perfect human and should never be compared

    3. Sleep when the baby sleeps is shit advice. I’m sorry. If I slept when E slept, nothing would get done.

    4. Mom groups are a godsend. My #octoberpumpkins are the reason I’m still sane. We have meet ups and subgroups; they’re always there when I need them, and a couple of them live close by, so maternity leave hasn’t been too lonely.

    5. You’re stronger (mentality and physically) than you think. I’ve never gone on 3 hours of sleep and still functioned enough to clean the entire house and host a dinner party, but this mom is tougher than she used to be!

    6. Make sure you’re looking after yourself. I always use this example; you know how on a plane they say put your mask on first and then help your family? Makes sense right? If you’re not okay how will you look after your little miracle? Obviously, baby’s needs are important but make sure you’re looked after as well.

    7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. While you are tougher than ever, sometimes you’ll need some help, and you shouldn’t be ashamed to ask family or a close friend.

    8. You’re doing great! I know sometimes it may seem like you’re failing, but baby doesn’t know. Don’t sweat the small things – you’re trying, and that’s all that matters.


    DEE HAIDER is a mother, blogger and wannabe farm girl living in a suburban city in Ontario, Canada. While on maternity leave her days are filled chasing her extremely loud daughter and two cats that have an insane amount of personality. She blogs to keep herself somewhat sane, writing about her personal style, life as a busy mum, and interior design. Check out her fun-loving and honest lifestyle blog at theHaiderHouse or find her on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook. 

  6. JulyI am still breastfeeding my daughter well into toddlerhood and the experience has been so rewarding watching my child thrive and grow.


    I always knew I wanted to breastfeed even before falling pregnant. While I was pregnant the thought did seem daunting to me. I came from a small family and was the first of my cousins to fall pregnant, and the first in my friendship circle too. I had not really seen anyone breastfeed their baby in front of me. 


    Although breastfeeding is natural, it doesn't always come easily and is a learned art. Like any new skill, you will get better with practice.


    Here are my 6 tips for success:


    1. Get educated BEFORE the baby arrives

    I can't stress this enough. Let me tell you when that baby comes you won't have time to shower let alone read up on breastfeeding. Most babies breastfeed within an hour of being born, so it pays to learn what to do well before your baby is due. Please guys if you do any online research, make sure you are seeking good quality information from reliable sources. I would recommend reading some good books instead though. Learn about all the amazing benefits of breastfeeding, and all the facts and myths. Mentally preparing yourself is so important. 


    2. Sign up to a breastfeeding course

    During your second trimester you may attend a breastfeeding course. The NHS and breastfeeding support groups such as La Leche League UK offer some amazing courses.  Run by a qualified educator they will cover important content like: the first feed, skin-to-skin contact, positioning, attachment, milk supply, partner roles and common concerns. They will allow plenty of time for questions and will give you information to take home with you.


    3. Stock up on the necessities

    Look, lets me real here, you don’t really need anything to breastfeed other than a comfortable chair. But if you want to be super prepared here is a list of some items which you may want to purchase: a few nursing tops (or button ups) that are easy to pull down, a few good supportive nursing bras, nursing pads, cream for sore nipples and frozen gel packs. Some mums also find it helpful to have a rocker, a sling, a pump, breast milk storage bottles or bags, or a nursing pillow, but you can do fine without these.


    4. Be educated about how labour can affect breastfeeding

    You can improve your odds for successful breastfeeding if you can reduce or limit interventions during labour. Attend the labour course run by your hospital to get more information and ask plenty of questions.


    5. Know your body

    Check to see whether you have inverted nipples. Do not worry if you have inverted nipples, just know that there are devices which you may need to use to help you.


    6. Breastfeed your baby as soon as possible after you deliver.

    Babies who are breastfed within the first hour generally have more successful breastfeeding experiences than those who aren’t. Give plenty of skin-to-skin contact with your baby.


    Nina Belle (aka Judgy Mummy), is a 30-year-old Australian blogger, wife and mother. A breastfeeding advocate, Nina is successfully breastfeeding her 20-month-old daughter. Passionate about breastfeeding she aims to inspire and encourage other women to breastfeed their children well into toddlerhood. Nina also writes about pregnancy, baby topics, parenting and fun DIY activities. Her blog is