Pre-loved and end of line styles, in collaboration with Holleo

Breastfeeding Clothes

Breastfeeding post birth

Breastfeeding Clothes

Why is it so awesome?

Breastfeeding Clothes

Last post dates for Christmas delivery

Breastfeeding Clothes

The 1st-7th August is World Breastfeeding Week. Every year is a different theme, this year it's...

World Breasfeeding Week 2023

Burnout is not just something that be associated with your career, it can happen to any part of your life and it's also possible to feel burnt out from motherhood.  Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and can affect anyone...

Burnout from motherhood

While milestones can be a useful guide for what to expect during the first year, every baby is completely different so they're not an exhaustive list of what "should" be happening for your baby at specific times. They can be helpful to know roughly what to expect and when...

Newborn baby milestones

Your first Christmas as a family makes the festive season extra special, we've listed a few ideas to think about adding to your Christmas this year.

Baby's first Christmas

Christmas shopping has ramped up in the last couple of weeks, I'm posting our your orders as usual throughout December.  If you're ordering something you'd like before Christmas then have a look at the last post dates 


Would you like to join our family? 
hotMaMa is a small family business but we're looking to add to our team! 

Breastfeeding Clothes

A quick round up of some essential breastfeeding terms, perfect for new breastfeeding mums: 

Breastfeeding Glossary

Breastfeeding is a bit of a minefield, all of a sudden you find youself faced with things you've never even hear of before.  Mastitis might well be one of them...

Mastitis, breastfeeding

Breastfeeding your baby wherever and whenever is a right and a freedom that no one can deprive you of. However, you must also have the freedom to choose how do it...

Breastfeeding Clothes

Do you know which is the most common month to give birth in?

Breastfeeding Clothes

Have you ever wondered what your breast milk is made up of?   Breast milk is the gold standard of nutrition for infants.  Years of research have helped us better understand the complexities of breast milk...

Breastfeeding Clothes

Each year world breastfeeding week is celebrated front he 1st-7th August and aims to raise awareness about the amazing benefits of breastfeeding for both mother's and their babies...

World Breastfeeding Week 2022

Each year world breastfeeding week is celebrated front he 1st-7th August and aims to raise awareness about the amazing benefits of breastfeeding for both mother's and their babies...

Breastfeeding and hot weather

When was the last time you shopped small? 

Well, if you're reading this then perhaps it wasn't so long ago. Whether it was an online purchase or a vising a local bricks and mortar store supporting any small business makes a big difference...

Support small businesses

I'm usually really organised when it comes to planning, designing and getting the ball rolling on production when it comes to new products. This year I've ended up leaving things a bit later...

Support small businesses

Who knew there were so many different positions for breastfeeding? Proper positioning is essential in helping your newborn latch on the right way, as well as preventing nipple soreness and other breastfeeding problems...

Breastfeeding positions

Your first breastfeed outside your own home can feel scary. What can you do to make it a little less daunting?

Your first breastfeed in public

Vests are such a staple in any wardrobe, regardless of whether you're breastfeeding. We've taken a classic black breastfeeding vest and shown you...

Breastfeeding vest

Would you like to join our family?  We're a small family business but looking to add to our team...

Breastfeeding clothes

Welcome to our brand new breastfeeding hoodie, our first new priduct of 2022 in our breastfeeding clothes range! I really hope your like this little number...

Breastfeeding clothes

There’s a lot of plastic pollution in the environment – and that’s not okay. So I'm completely rethinking the role of plastic in this little breastfeeding clothing business...

Breastfeeding clothes, hotMaMa

It’s Christmas – a time filled with family, food and fun. But just as often, and especially as a new breastfeeding parent, this time of year can be a STRESSFUL..  To help, we've compiled a  a few handy tips of how to survive the festive season....

Breastfeeding at Christmas

We've been busy behind the scenes getting ready for the Christmas shopping season! Our last post dates have been posted on the menu at the top of the page., as always Royal Mail is incredibly busy...

What's new at hotMaMa breastfeeding clothes?


They're pretty important....


Silicone accessories such as necklaces are a major trend right now and it's no wonder, they're the perfect blend of style and practicality for mums who miss their pre baby accessories...

Fiddle necklaces for breastfeeding mums

When I first thought about adding our Mother and Baby Gift section to our website I knew I wanted  to include some fantastic mum run brands and Cheeky Chompers is exactly that!  

Fiddle necklaces for breastfeeding mums

I remember being pregnant with my first and thinking 'yes, we've got everything we need for when the baby gets here'. I actually thought we were sorted. Little did I know...

Mother and baby gifts

Behind the scenes of our small business...

Behind the scenes

The first year of a baby's life sees a lot of developmental changes, from that first toothless chuckle to learning to roll over...

Behind the scenes

Guest post -

She’s finally here....

She's here

Good nutrition is important as a breastfeeding mama.....


Good nutrition is important as a breastfeeding mama.....


Cloth nappies have had quite the overhaul in recent years: Raggedy fabrics and safety pins are out and beautiful prints with modern fastenings are in! Using cloth nappies needn't be a complete swap from disposables either as many people use a combination of cloth and disposable nappies...

Cloth nappies

Sometimes it's hard to believe but those early days really do slip by quickly, we've compiled a quick list of must-take photos you'll want to take before your bundle isn't so little anymore.

Newborn baby photos

I remember asking a lot of mum friends how it was having two when I still just had the one.  It was clear everyone has a different experience with their second child. A big factor that came in to play was...

Newborn baby photos

Guest Blog:

If I could turn back time and talk to my pre-baby self, what would I want to tell her?

Birth is only the beginning

Guest Blog

Baby loss awareness

Baby loss

Breastfeeding is hard.  There's not reason to go it alone, if you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed or just have a few queries there are loads of places you can go to get some support:

Breastfeeding support

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 August all over the globe to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. 

Breastfeeding support

breastfeeding clothes, breastfeeding clothing, breastfeeding hoodies, breastfeeding jumpers, nursing jumpers, breastfeeding vests, breastfeeding friendly, breastfeeding